1) Real-time Dehazing Software

Python, OpenCV, NSIS, Streamlit

System designed to enhance the visibility of images and videos by reducing atmospheric haze using a fast Dark Channel Prior based algorithm. Realtime Dehazing from various Input sources such as:-

  • Device camera (Inbuilt)
  • USB cameras
  • IP webcams
The dehazed results can be previewed and downloaded. Available both as a desktop application and as a website.

GitHub Repository Link
Link to Download Software
Website Link

2) Music Streaming Website: Tuning

MERN Stack, Firebase

A sleek music streaming website that allows users to create accounts , upload and play songs.

  • Made using MongoDB & Firebase as database, Express to create RESTful API, Node for server-side logic & React for frontend.
GitHub Repository Link
Website Link

3) Fitness Website: RFit

PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap.

An attractive, completely responsive website for personalized weight management, based on users Body Mass Index. Made using PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap.

Primary Features:

  • Food Tracker: Select food items and quantity from a diverse database of 200+ foods, including Indian options, to estimate meal calories.
  • Workout Tracker: Choose workouts and duration from an extensive database of popular exercises to estimate burnt calories.
Other features: Personalized Daily Calorie Limits and Long-Term Weight Goal, Weight Logging, Hydration Tracking, Account Management, Customer Care, Admin View, Feedbacks and Feedback Moderation.

GitHub Repository Link
Website Link

4) Exam Centre Allocation System

Java, Java AWT

A project aimed at streamlining the conduction of local/state-level examinations by reducing manual work.

  • The administrator registers institutes by entering details such as institute name, location, and capacity (number of candidates).
  • After institute registration, the candidate registration process begins.
  • The portal allocates exam centers across different locations to students based on factors such as the student's priority of exam center locations, institute capacity, and a first-come-first-serve basis.
  • E-hall tickets and institute-wise seat allotment lists are automatically generated.
Built entirely in the Java language, with a GUI using Java AWT.

GitHub Repository Link

5) Hill Cipher Generator

Python, Flask

    A website dedicated to teaching the Hill Cipher algorithm in a user-friendly manner.
  • With clear explanations and descriptive examples, you'll quickly grasp the fundamentals of encryption.
  • Our platform allows you to encrypt and decrypt messages using the Hill Cipher algorithm, giving you hands-on experience with this powerful cryptographic technique.
  • Whether you're a student, educator, or cryptography enthusiast, our site provides a straightforward way to understand and apply Hill Cipher for secure communication.
GitHub Repository Link
Website Link
